Uploads by Dvdakker

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:28, 5 April 2023 Jfed embedded setup 02.png (file) 188 KB   1
14:27, 5 April 2023 Jfed embedded setup 01.png (file) 147 KB   1
11:26, 11 August 2021 Jfed-multisite-link-3-nodes.png (file) 105 KB   1
11:24, 11 August 2021 Jfed-multisite-link-2-nodes.png (file) 66 KB   1
08:42, 11 August 2021 Gre-utils.tar.gz (file) 4 KB * Added IPv6 support (-6 flag) * Added support for setting the bridge/tunnel MTU (-m flag) * Added support for creating regular GRE tunnels (-g flag) 5
12:50, 30 October 2020 Citylab deployment.png (file) 736 KB A "deployment" picture of Citylab showing a map of the node locations and some of the nodes of the testbed itself. 1
06:45, 30 June 2020 Node10 node11 gebouw b.jpg (file) 1.85 MB   2
12:36, 3 May 2018 JFed link options type.png (file) 46 KB Removed shadows 2
12:35, 3 May 2018 JFed gre link 2 nodes running.png (file) 104 KB Removed shadows 2
12:30, 3 May 2018 Jfed experiment 2 nodes.png (file) 90 KB Removed shadows 2
12:24, 3 May 2018 JFed link options general.png (file) 43 KB An example of the 'general' options for a link in JFed 1
12:21, 3 May 2018 Jfed gre link 2 nodes.png (file) 16 KB Example of a JFed experiment configuration of two nodes connected by a GRE-link 1
11:35, 16 March 2018 Node16 dak agora 3.jpg (file) 724 KB Also annotate node16 so the difference between nodes 14 and 15 is clear 2
16:34, 12 March 2018 Jfed proxy settings.png (file) 76 KB   1
16:02, 12 March 2018 Jfed GUI settings.png (file) 90 KB Screenshot of the 'settings' window in JFed 1
14:15, 12 March 2018 Dak gebouw k.jpg (file) 118 KB Node20 on top of the Roof of Building K at the City Campus of the University of Antwerp 1
12:41, 12 March 2018 Parking k 1 2 binnenplein k.jpg (file) 1.22 MB   1
08:31, 8 March 2018 Jfed-link-3-nodes.png (file) 22 KB Select link instead of one of the nodes 2
08:28, 8 March 2018 Jfed-link-2-nodes.png (file) 16 KB A screenshot of two connected nodes in the JFed interface. 1
11:53, 22 February 2018 Node1 studentenhome.png (file) 1.38 MB Node 1 of the CityLab testbed. This node is installed on the top of the 'Studentenhome' tower in the Konignstraat in Antwerp. 1
11:50, 22 February 2018 Node71-74 bibliotheek cmi.jpg (file) 574 KB Nodes 71 to 74 of the CityLab testbed. These nodes are all located on the 2nd floor of the G builing at the Middelheim Campus of the University of Antwerp 1
11:08, 22 February 2018 Node13 gebouw c.jpg (file) 1.37 MB Node 13 of the Citylab Testbed, installed against the side of Building C at the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:06, 22 February 2018 Node2 universitas.jpg (file) 59 KB Node 2 of the Citylab Testbed, located on the roof of the 'Universitas' building in the Princesstraat in Antwerp. 1
11:05, 22 February 2018 Node36 ua binnenplein 5.jpg (file) 1.74 MB Node 36 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the south-east corner of the inner square of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:05, 22 February 2018 Node35 ua binnenplein 4.jpg (file) 1.33 MB Node 35 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the north-east corner of the inner square of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:04, 22 February 2018 Node34 ua binnenplein 3.jpg (file) 1.7 MB Node 34 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the north-west corner of the inner square of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:04, 22 February 2018 Node33 ua binnenplein 2.jpg (file) 1.75 MB Node 33 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the south-west corner of the inner square of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:03, 22 February 2018 Node9 ua binnenplein 1.jpg (file) 1.34 MB Node 9 of the Citylab Testbed, located on the inner square-side of the passage between the Grote Kauwenbergstraat and the Inner Square of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
11:00, 22 February 2018 Node6 serverroom gebouw g.jpg (file) 1.29 MB Node 6 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the Server Room on the 2nd Floor of the G building at the Middelheim Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:59, 22 February 2018 Node5 princesstraat.jpg (file) 1.3 MB Node 5 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the Princesstraat in Antwerp. 1
10:58, 22 February 2018 Node4 meerminnen.jpg (file) 1.06 MB Node 3 of the Citylab Testbed, located near the entrance of the 'Meerminnen' building of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:57, 22 February 2018 Node3 lange nieuwstraat.jpg (file) 1.13 MB Node 3 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the Sint-Jakobsstraat in Antwerp next to the fire-exit of the 'Meerminnen' building of the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:55, 22 February 2018 Node7 grote kauwenberg.jpg (file) 1.13 MB Node 7 of the Citylab Testbed, located in the Grote Kauwenbergstraat in Antwerp. 1
10:54, 22 February 2018 Node8 gebouw d.jpg (file) 1.32 MB Node 8 of the Citylab Testbed, located at the street-side of the passage to the inner square of the city campus. 1
10:53, 22 February 2018 Node26 dak gebouw r 6.jpg (file) 218 KB Node 26 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:53, 22 February 2018 Node25 dak gebouw r 5.jpg (file) 203 KB Node 25 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:53, 22 February 2018 Node24 dak gebouw r 4.jpg (file) 217 KB Node 24 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:52, 22 February 2018 Node23 dak gebouw r 3.jpg (file) 260 KB Node 23 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:52, 22 February 2018 Node22 dak gebouw r 2.jpg (file) 250 KB Node 22 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:52, 22 February 2018 Node21 dak gebouw r 1.jpg (file) 246 KB Node 21 of the Citylab Testbed, Located on the roof of Building R at the City campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:50, 22 February 2018 Node15 dak agora 2.jpg (file) 407 KB Nodes 14 and 15 of the CityLab testbed. Installed on top of the Agora Café in Antwerp. 1
10:50, 22 February 2018 Node14 dak agora 1.jpg (file) 230 KB Node 14 of the CityLab testbed. Installed on top of the Agora Café in Antwerp. 1
10:49, 22 February 2018 Node28 annex2.jpg (file) 389 KB Node 28 of the CityLab testbed. Installed on the 'Annex' Building at the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:48, 22 February 2018 Node27 annex1.jpg (file) 429 KB Node 27 of the CityLab testbed. Installed on the 'Annex' Building at the City Campus of the University of Antwerp. 1
10:47, 22 February 2018 Node12 agora.jpg (file) 1.15 MB Node12 of the CityLab testbed. Deployed outside the enterance to the Agora Café in Antwerp. 1
11:20, 1 February 2018 Device lora.png (file) 2.17 MB An EFM32GG-STK3700 board connected to an RFM95W LoRa tranceiver and a Sparkfun 232rl breakout board 1
11:18, 1 February 2018 Device openusb.png (file) 1.78 MB The OpenUSB baseboard with an OpenMote-CC2538 on top 1
11:17, 1 February 2018 Device ezr868.png (file) 1.28 MB The 868MHz EZR USB Device 1
11:16, 1 February 2018 Device ezr433.png (file) 1.81 MB The 433MHz EZR USB device 1
10:19, 31 January 2018 Node antennas.png (file) 2.02 MB The antenna box of the City of Things experiment nodes 1
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